Electricity generation capabilities of microbial fuel cell with different light power on algae grown cathode were compared. Results showed that microbial fuel cell with 6 and 12 W power of light always produced higher voltage and power density than with 18 and 26 W. Similarly, microbial fuel cell with 6 and 12 W of light power always displayed higher Coulombic efficiency and specific power than the one with 18 and 26 W. The results also showed that microbial fuel cell with covered anodic chamber always displayed higher voltage, power density, Coulombic efficiency and specific power than the one without covered anodic chamber. Binary quadratic equations can be used to express the relationships between the light power and the voltage, power density, Coulombic efficiency and specific power. Although lower power of light on algae grown cathode and covering anodic chamber will increase system’s electricity production, they will not significantly reduce its internal resistance.
Bioresource Technology Volume 123, November 2012, Pages 23–29