本研究旨在利用支援決策系統幫助急診醫師在診療過程中之正確放射線攝影之取位及放射線攝影檢查項目申請單之開立。本研究所開發之系統除了運用知識管理之理論進行蒐集、分類、整理部分現有之放射線檢查影像來建置放射線影像病歷資料庫,也建立以病患症狀之以病歷為基礎的放射線攝影取位決策規則。進而,再利用現代資訊科技的網際網路功能建置跨平台視覺化放射線取位決策支援系統。在系統架構方面,本系統的底層作業系統是Windows XP,並以ASP 建構伺服端,而網頁介面設計則使用Dreamweaver 結合Access資料庫系統,如此使用端之用戶僅需配備瀏覽器,可達跨平台、克服時間空間障礙之決策支援功能。 本研究希望能透過系統化之管理方法來收集、處理、及儲存放射醫療已知的知識資產, 並藉由不斷的累積、創造、完成知識循環,並期待本研究之構想、架構、功能提供日後在放射線攝影決策支援之研究有所貢獻。
This study aims to implement a visual radiograph examination decision-making support system to help physicians to issue a correct radiographic examination request form. In this research we are not only apply the theory of knowledge management to collect, classify, organize some existed medical radiographic images to build a visual medical radiation image database, but also establish a rule-based radiographic position decision support system. In the system architecture design, the system underlying operating system is Windows XP, and uses ASP as server-side implementation, and web interface design is Dreamweaver combine with Microsoft Access database system, the user can access the system easily by merely a Web browser, in this case, the system can provide a web-based feature thus overcome the barriers of time and space.