本研究目的是探討醫院護理人員工作壓力之差異情形。以「醫療工作的壓力源感受量表」(Questionnaire of Medical Workers Stress, QMWS)評估壓力程度,以服務於高屏地區醫院之護理人員為研究對象,採便利取樣,共取得179 份有效樣本。研究顯示護理人員的年齡以大於40 歲者壓力得分高於30-39 歲,任職地區醫院者高於醫學中心,護理長、副護理長與專科護理師高於護士與護理師,輪班者高於固定班(含固定白班、大夜與小夜),本研究建議醫院應重視年齡較大、管理職及輪班護理人員之壓力狀況,尤其是地區醫院的護理人員。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the stress and the related factors in hospital nurses. We used structural questionnaire to collect the data. The 179 samples came from hospital nurses in Kaohsiung-Pingtung area. The result showed that the factors such as “age”, “the regional hospital”, “leader”, ”specialist” and ”shift scheduling” cause significantly higher stress score. Hospital managers should establish programs to improve the stress status of hospital nurses.