摘要: | This study aims to evaluate what effects intervention healthcare programs for early stages of chronic kidney disease have on the patient‟s knowledge about health and behavior, so as to delay deterioration in their kidney function.
This study adopts the quasi-experimental design with each independent instance of health education acting as an intervention measure. The participants for this study consist of outpatients from a certain regional hospital in Southern Taiwan, and cases were screened for their suitability for this study using the MDRD (Modification of Diet in Renal Disease) equation for glomerular filtration rate. These cases include chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients and patients suffering from stage 1, stage 2, and stage 3a of the disease with cases from the nephrology department forming the experimental group, and cases from other departments forming the control group. All subjects were recruited for this study from March 2011 to March 2012 and a total of 248 cases were gathered: 127 for the experimental group and 121 for the control group.
Through a two-way mixed ANOVA, we found that differences in both knowledge and behavior are generated in each group, before and after the intervention, and an interaction exists between these differences. After further verification using simple main effect test, we found that, after the intervention, the experimental group exhibited an improvement in both its knowledge and behavior that showed statistical significance. For the control group, on the other hand, only knowledge exhibited any difference, while no statistical significance was exhibited in terms of behavior.
Given how the intervention of healthcare programs, during early stages of CKD, brings about significant improvement to the patient‟s health knowledge and behavior, it is important that the promotion of this nursing care program be continued, so as to thereby achieve a delay in the deterioration of kidney functions. |