This cross-sectional study aims to examine the prevalenceand correlates of harmful alcohol use among aboriginalpeople in southern Taiwan and to examine the associationsbetween harmful alcohol use and adverse drinking effects.Four hundred forty-nine aboriginal adults were recruitedfrom two townships in southern Taiwan to complete thequestionnaires. Among the aborigines, 59.7% scored an8 or above on the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test,including 26.7% who were found to be hazardous drinkers(AUDIT level II), 18.5%who were harmful drinkers (level III),and 14.5% who were with likely dependence (level IV).Male aborigines who participated less in religious activities,had stressful life events, were cigarette smokers, or werebetel quid chewers were more likely to have harmful alcoholuse. Harmful alcohol use was also associated with aninability to work and with arguments with other people.Our study suggests that aboriginal people in southernTaiwan experience alcohol-related risks at rates as high asother worldwide populations for which AUDIT results areavailable. Individuals with AUDIT scores at levels II and IIIare generally candidates for brief interventions deliveredin generalist health settings. Individuals with AUDIT scoresat level IV should be referred for an addiction specialtyevaluation and possible treatment as well as lower-riskindividuals (those with AUDIT levels IIYIII) if they haveconcurrent physical or psychiatric disorders.