蔡牙醫診所帶領的世範醫療網長年在屏東沿海地區照顧偏遠地區住民健康問題,同時深感在此地區多元文化與人口結構改變等現象,醫護人員在重視醫療保健的同時,也必須面對多元族群的病患所要求的服務,透過語言可以讓醫、病之間建構良好溝通。因此委託美和科技大學應外系進行一系列職場英語閱讀、聽說能力之加強,來提升世範醫療網醫護人員職場英文的動機與興趣。希望藉由職場英語教學計畫有效策略之研究與實踐,來協助醫護人員達成其工作領域中所需要的語言能力。;Shfan Medical Group supports Foreign Language Department of Meiho Institute of Technology to execute the teaching project to promote medical staff’s career English ability and interest. In this project, the researcher will analyze which effective teaching strategy is the best way to cover a number of real-life business situations that professionals would encounter. These every-day situations include not only social interactions but also practical transactions.