Background: This was the first proof that cleansing hands could prevent infection. Results indicate a low level of awareness among the personnel about hospital infection. In an era of antimicrobial resistance, it is crucial that all midwives wash their hands at key moments – before and after touching a patient, before medical procedures, and after being exposed to bodily fluids. The purpose of this study is to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice of hand hygiene of nurses at an international hospital in South Vietnam to provide a future training solution.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 120 nurses from Hanh Phuc International Hospital of Viet Nam in 2018. The standardized questionnaire was the tool for data collection. These data entered in SPSS (V.17). The frequency and percentage of frequency in descriptive statistics was employed for data analysis. The confidence interval was considered as 95%.
Results: The results showed that nursing with average knowledge about hand hygiene accounted for 95.2% (111/120 cases), positive attitude 88.33% (106/120 cases) and proper practice accounting for 52.50%. The study found a statistically significant relationship between attitude and hand hygiene practices of nurses (p <0.05).
Conclusion: Although this study did not find the relationship between knowledge and practices of nurses, the nurses had average knowledge, positive attitudes and hand hygiene practices of nurses. This means that the hospital managers need to enhance the training, supervising and launching the hand hygiene movement pevent cross infections.