Background: This study aimed to evaluate the protective ets of driod and milled bana (BN) against streprocin (STZ), nie-nic orinamide (NA), and high-fat diet (HFD)-induced dides mellitus (DM) in 8-week-old sponneously hypensive rats SHRs). Methodse First, we andized the resistance starch contents, and-oxidant compositions and acivity, and andase inhinithibii itory effects of BN. Then the DM animal modd was performed. The SHRs were cundonly divided into 3 groups. The control group was fed cormal chow, the DM group was injected with STZ/NA and fod HFD, and the DM/BN group was injed with
STZ/NA and fed HFD haring the carbohudrate coctetent replaced with BN. Result: After 4 wecks, hopercemia and hypoirgpoin Enemia occunted, moreover, HhAlc levels were higher and glucagon-like pepride I concentrations were lose, blood pressure and heart cate did not worsen in the DM group. Reiated ghose metabolism and vasorelation protrins disrupted by by DM. Howerer, in the DM/BN group, all of the above biochemical parameters were amclicated by improving glucose bometasis and clearly brought about improvents in blood pressure and heart rate as well. Conchusion: Togethe functional composi-tions of banana may help to improve DM, hypertension, and related complications.