Petroleum Corporation (abbreviated as Petrolimex) is under the management of Petrolimex Vietnam, a State-owned enterprise playing a main role in supplying and regulating petroleum market in Vietnam. With over 50 years of operation and development, Petrolimex has obtained some certain success. However, during the process of integration to the international economic at present and in the new stage, besides taking the advantages from the development opportunities, the enterprise has also been facing too many difficulties and challenges. These pressures force Vietnamese enterprises in general and Petrolimex in particular to establish its appropriate strategies for their operation if they want to maintain their existence and development. Based on the strategic management model and theory of Fred R. David (2003), the topic aimed at planning corporate strategies for Petrolimex – one in three stages of the strategic management process. Researched data was collected from 193 questionnaires of the survey and 8 questionnaires for the interviews from 8 high-grade managers of Petrolimex, associated other relevant documents. The matrices such as the external factor evaluation matrix (EFE), the internal factor evaluation matrix (IFE), the analytical matrix for matching Threats – Opportunities – Weaknesses – Strengths (TOWS), and the quantitative strategic planning matrix, which were used as the main analysis tools for: (i) valuation of visibility, missions, and the long term goals for Petrolimex; (ii) valuation of strong points, weak points, opportunities and challenges in present and in the future to Petrolimex; (iii) selection of the most suitable corporate strategies for Petrolimex. The result of the research indicated that there are four most suitable corporate strategies for Petrolimex to implement.